July 21, 2012

Girl Scout swim party

Had a GREAT time at Alligator Creek!

First time for Lexi jumping off the board

Lexi's first ever dive off a diving board!

May 16, 2012

Alexi's Bridging Ceremony

Had a great time at the ceremony, watching Alexi bridge from Brownie to Junior.  She's had fun & done well, and Lisa has helped out SO much with the girls.  I'm very proud of both!

May 9, 2012

Best Mom EVER!

Lexi & Adin give Lisa her Mother's Day card

April 14, 2012


February 12, 2012

Princess' new accommodations

Finally got Alexi's new bed set up

February 4, 2012

Alexi's Birthday Weekend

Alexi was SO surprised and excited this weekend for her birthday!  Rainforest Cafe, Lego store AND American Girl Doll Place

January 30, 2012

Silver Sunday Funday

Had a great time taking Gma & Darlene to church then out for brunch

December 4, 2011

Surprise Bday Party

Had a great time with friends & family as they surprised my with a birthday party!

November 19, 2011


Good times at Montelle Winery